Free Ganesh is committed to reducing and eliminating inhumane treatment of elephants in the name of tourism, entertainment, culture, and tradition.

Our objectives are: to create awareness about the ways elephants are abused; to list the organizations involved in treating elephant with cruelty (directly or tacitly), and provide a way to reach out to them; to applaud and encourage organizations that help elephants thrive in their native habitats.

With the help of elephant lovers like you, we are certain that elephants can win back their independence and be restored to the forests where they belong.

Wild elephant family
Wild elephant family

All images obtained from external sources are provided with source attribution and are the property of the respective owners. An attribution to an external website does not imply an association with or a representation of the external website.

Images from external sources whose source is not known are tagged 'Source unknown.'

Any material original to Free Ganesh may be reproduced, provided that an attribution in the form of a link to the appropriate page of the Free Ganesh website is included.


Write to us and tell us how you've made a difference in reducing and eliminating abuse of elephants. Also let us know how we can improve this website to make our efforts against elephant abuse more effective and actionable.

You can reach us at freeganesh (dot) org (at) gmail (dot) com.